Python Full-Stack Website Development Course
Full-Stack Website Development Course Noida
Best Python Full Stack Development Course in Noida
- 7549 Students
- Placement Assistance
- 40 Weeks, 2 hr/day (flexible schedule)
- 1+1 Offer: Get Internship & Job Preparation training FREE
Ranked #1 Best Python Full Stock Website Development Course in Noida Eklort Services
Course Curriculum
- Overview of Full Stack Development
- Importance and Scope of Full Stack Development
- Introduction to Python in Full Stack Development
- Introduction to HTML
- What is HTML?
- Basic Structure of an HTML Document
- HTML Tags and Elements
- HTML5 Standard
- New HTML5 Elements
- Semantic HTML
- HTML Tags & Elements
- Headings, Paragraphs, and Text
- Lists (Ordered and Unordered)
- Links and Navigation
- Images and Media
- Tables
- Forms and Input Controls
- HTML Attributes
- Global Attributes
- Event Attributes
- Advanced HTML
- Embedding Videos (YouTube)
- Canvas and SVG for Graphics
- Basics of CSS
- What is CSS?
- CSS Syntax and Selectors
- Applying CSS
- Inline CSS
- Internal CSS
- External CSS
- CSS Selectors
- Element Type Selector
- Class Selector
- ID Selector
- Attribute Selector
- Descendant Selector
- Grouping Selector
- Child Selector
- Universal Selector
- CSS Box Model
- Margin, Border, Padding
- Box Sizing
- CSS Layout
- Display Property
- Positioning (Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky)
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Advanced CSS
- Transitions and Animations
- Media Queries for Responsive Design
- CSS Variables
- CSS3 Properties
- Border-radius
- Box-shadow
- Flexbox
- Grid
- Transitions
- Animations
- Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Embedding JavaScript in HTML
- Basics of JavaScript
- Syntax and Statements
- Variables and Constants
- Data Types
- Operators
- Control Structures
- Conditional Statements (if, else, switch)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Functions
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Function Expressions
- Arrow Functions
- Scope and Closures
- Objects and Arrays
- Creating and Manipulating Objects
- Arrays and Array Methods
- DOM Manipulation
- Selecting and Modifying DOM Elements
- Event Handling
- DOM Events
- Advanced JavaScript
- Promises and Async/Await
- Fetch API for AJAX Requests
- Error Handling with Try/Catch
- Introduction to ES6+
- New Syntax and Features in ES6
- Modules and Import/Export
- Introduction to Python
- History and Overview of Python
- Setting Up Python Development Environment
- Basics of Python Programming
- Syntax and Data Types
- Variables and Constants
- Operators and Expressions
- Control Flow (if-else, while, for)
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python
- Classes and Objects
- Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Abstraction and Interfaces
- Pythonic Features
- Exception Handling
- Try-Except Blocks
- Raising Exceptions
- Custom Exceptions
- Collections and Iterations
- Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
- Iterators and Generators
- File Handling
- Reading and Writing Files
- Context Managers (with Statement)
- Multithreading and Concurrency
- Threading and Multiprocessing
- GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)
- Working with APIs
- Making API Requests (requests library)
- Parsing JSON and XML Responses
- Introduction to Web Development with Python
- Overview of Web Applications
- Python Web Frameworks (Django, Flask)
- Django Framework
- Setting Up Django Environment
- Django Project Structure
- Models, Views, Templates (MVT Pattern)
- Admin Interface and ORM
- Flask Framework
- Setting Up Flask Environment
- Flask Routes and Views
- Templates and Static Files
- Flask Extensions (SQLAlchemy, Flask-WTF)
- RESTful APIs with Flask/Django
- Building APIs with Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Building APIs with Flask-Restful
- Database Integration
- SQL Databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- NoSQL Databases (MongoDB with Flask)
- Authentication and Authorization
- User Authentication (JWT, OAuth)
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Templating Engines
- Jinja2 (Used in Flask and Django)
- Template Inheritance and Macros
- Deployment and DevOps
- Deploying Python Web Applications
- Docker and Containerization
- CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins/GitLab CI
- Integrating Frontend with Backend
- Making AJAX Requests from JavaScript to Python Backend
- Consuming REST APIs from Angular/React/Vue Frontends
- Session Management and Security
- Cookies and Sessions in Python Web Applications
- CSRF Protection and Security Best Practices
- Deployment and Scalability
- Deploying Python Applications to AWS/Heroku/DigitalOcean
- Scaling Applications with Load Balancers and Caching Strategies
- Performance Optimization
- Profiling and Optimization Techniques
- Monitoring and Logging
Final Project
- Project Planning and Requirements Gathering
- Choosing a Project Idea
- Defining Project Scope and Objectives
- Design and Development
- Designing UI/UX Wireframes
- Implementing Frontend and Backend Functionality
- Testing and Quality Assurance
- Unit Testing and Integration Testing
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
- Deployment and Maintenance
- Deploying the Project to a Production Environment
- Post-Deployment Support and Maintenance
- Project Planning and Requirements Gathering
- Microservices Architecture with Python (Flask/Django)
- Real-time Web Applications with Websockets (Flask-SocketIO)
- Machine Learning Integration with Python Web Applications
- GraphQL APIs with Python (Graphene, Ariadne)

Get Hired with Maximum Salary Hike
Perks of the program
- Assured Minimum Package Starting from INR 5 LPA
- Get Access to Quality Education
- 300K+ Professionals Trained
- More than 10,000 Careers Transformed(2022-2023)
- Weekly mentorship sessions
- Simplified Enrollment Process - No Tests, No Hassles
- 3 Months Internship Certificate
India’s #1 Website Development Training Course Institute In Noida